As part of the “Water treatment plant” project, which plans to connect the dispatch pump for the rainwater collected in tank S-16 to the line dispatching to the SIFA consortium system, DECAL S.p.A. requested that the two warehouse lines supplying rainwater, coming from the collection tanks and directed to tank S-27 also be connected to the two adjacent S-28 and S-29 tanks, via two new 6” lines. Furthermore, the same S-28 and S-29 tanks will be connected via a specific new 4” line to the existing physical chemical plant, using an existing flanged connection, currently blind. In addition to using an existing foot nozzle (on the S-28 tank) and installing a new 4” one on the S-29 tank to connect the new 4” line, two new 6” nozzles will have to be made on each of the two tanks S-28 and S-29 to connect the new lines meant to transfer the water into tanks S-28 and S-29. Finally, in order to allow the new lines to pass to tank S-29, the 8” connection line between tanks S-27 and S-28 will be modified by putting in a vertical omega machine. The new lines will rest of newly constructed supports on the ground.
Decal S.p.A. facility, Porto Marghera (VE)
- DECAL Depositi Costieri Calliope S.p.A.
- VENICE - Via Della Della Geologia, 30175 Porto Marghera (VE)
Designing new tank connection lines (28 and 29) to renovate the water treatment plant at the DECAL facility in Porto Marghera, VE